AITA for Not Wanting to join an Easter Egg hunt as a 20 year old?

I don’t know if op poster people are supposed to respond on this subreddit but I just thought I’d explain. I don’t look down on people who what to participate and I don’t want to seem like I yelled at anyone or anything. I’m into tons of “childish” things ie squishmallows, videogames, amiibo, Disney movies are lowkey good. But Easter egg hunts are like public. The moms in my family post pictures of us doing them on Facebook where everyone can see. Also it just doesn’t bring me joy anymore and tbh I don’t really want people looking at me that much I feel the same way about dressing up for Halloween. But since some of my older cousins do the egg hunt they also want me to participate even though I just don’t want too. I just feel like I don’t enjoy it anymore. But my older family members would probably say I am the a hole

Oh also this isn’t a normal Easter egg hunt we’re amount of eggs is random and it’s actually a competition. We are only allowed to get a certain amount of eggs each so everyone has the same so it’s equal and no one is sad. :p now that’s just no fun if you can’t dominate at the game at least.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent