AITA for splitting up with my boyfriend because he won’t have biological children?

I’ve posted on a few comments, but wanted to put my whole story here.

My husband has Huntington’s, which is a horrible and nasty genetic disease. We are young and he is not symptomatic. We want children, but don’t want to risk them getting HD. It’s dominant, so there’s a 50% chance.

We started the IVF + PGD process well over a year ago. It is expensive and painful. Overall in that time, I had to give myself (or he gave me) approximately 250 shots— some in my stomach, some in my back. I had over 20 blood draws, 2 painful egg retrievals, lots of prescription meds, and a bumpy embryo transfer. Our embryos traveled across the country for testing, and we spent countless sleepless nights wondering what the future held. My husband and I would cry, and he would say it wasn’t fair because he thought this whole thing was his fault. No one knows about his disease or what we have been through except my dad.

But guess what? I am now 15 weeks pregnant with a HEALTHY boy, who is FREE of HD! Every shot, dollar, and painful procedure was worth it. It’s not my husband’s fault. We’re a team, and it’s a journey we chose together. My love for him and desire for him to be a father is stronger than any disease. It’s a BLESSING from God that we were successful.

Anyone dealing with a disease that scares you away from having children — please please please— take hope in this story. There IS a way!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread