AITA For telling my husband that if he had to choose between my self and my daughter during birth to choose me?

Hope you see this. My husband told me himself that if it ever came to choosing he would pick me. He said that he can make another baby, but he cannot find another soulmate. His father actually had to make this decision when my husband was being born. My MIL had a very difficult pregnancy and doctors said they could only save one so he chose his wife. My husband was actually left for dead in a corner while they rushed to help his mom in the hospital. A doctor walked in and saved his life while the other doctors were saving his mom and they miraculously both lived. This was during communism mind you and things were very different in regards to healthcare back then.

In any case I never would ask someone to pick me because I never had to. My husband told me his opinion on this many years before we decided to get pregnant. Don't feel bad. No kid should be raised without a mother

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread