AITA for telling my wife that putting our son to bed was now her job and then moving my bed into a separate room?

YTA. you can’t put your child’s sleep on a schedule that benefits you. he’s tired when he’s tired and his mom isn’t lazy because she can’t force him to sleep when he’s not tired. you claim it takes you hours to put him down and that’s perfectly fine, but she can’t get the same break? his naps are delayed because he’s not tired, not because she’s lazy

can we as a society stop letting men insult and degrade their wives just because they work?

if you think just putting your son to bed makes you tired, think about how working women feel. they typically have to work their normal 40 hours then come home and take care of all or most of the housework. and they don’t get to use the “i work” excuse. that only works for men.

apologize to your wife, you signed up for this shit when you became a parent. it’s hard raising kids, but insulting people for it isn’t ok

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread