Al Gore Breaks With Democratic Party Leadership to Support Single-Payer Healthcare

Assemblywoman 1: Oh, so you're suggesting that the author just arbitrarily made fun of Sarah Jessica Parker for no reason? Kyle: Yes! Assemblywoman 1: But what would be the point? Cartman: There is no point! It's just because Sarah Jessica Parker is fuckin' ugly! Assemblywoman 2: No writer would take the time to make fun of Sarah Jessica Parker just because they think she's ugly. Stan, Kyle, Cartman: Yes they would! Assemblywoman 2: It is because Miss Jessica Parker is a metaphor in the book for oppression felt by the lower class. Stan: What? Dude, that is not in the book at all! Assemblyman 2: Boys, this book is an important look at how liberals are hurting this country. Stan: What? Assemblywoman 2: Wait, Scrotie McBoogerballs is the most conservative-hating liberal in literature! Assemblyman 2: What book did you read?! Stan: There's nothing about liberals or conservatives! Assemblyman 4: Ohohh yeah, then why did Sarah Jessica Parker's butt-cheese end up in Scrotie's milkshake? [an assemblyman nearby throws up]

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