[All Show Spoilers] People are so annoying

Narratively, things should happen in a way that moves the story/characters along their paths.

I agree completely. But I'm not about to get angry at that not happening based on what I imagine will happen in the future.

Until then I'm just going to go with what I can infer based on the series/book, which is: Sansa was raped to motive Theon to escape with Sansa.

I think we've both seen enough by now to know that what happens in the book is no longer a good predictor for what will happen in the show. This season is supposed to be a radical departure from the books.

Until then I'm just going to go with what I can infer based on the series/book, which is: Sansa was raped to motive Theon to escape with Sansa.

And now we get to the root of what irritates me so much about this complaint. It's way too simplistic. The ramifications of Sansa being tortured by Ramsay are sure to be far-reaching and varied. She solidifies the Bolton's claim to the North. Ramsay's treatment of her is a risk to himself, his father, and House Bolton. It will affect Sansa, Reek, and that one woman who is Harley Quinn to Ramsay's Joker. The entire political standing of the North hangs in the balance, and Ramsay is risking that because he can't stop breaking his toys. Simplifying that down to "motivate Theon" does both you and the show a disservice, because your thinking is way too limited for a show of this depth.

Look, I get that you're not a fan of rape in fiction. Neither am I. But Game of Thrones might as well be titled Fasten Your Fucking Seatbelts. There is nothing sacred in Westeros. Nobody is safe. If bad things happening to people you like is a problem for you, then maybe this isn't the show for you.

/r/gameofthrones Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com