I am Vince Gilligan, AMA.

At the risk of sounding like a total dick and extremely contradicting, I did not like Breaking Bad, although I was completely entertained. When I heard about your show from a friend they had described it as a highly intelligent High School teacher teaming up with a street smarts drug dealer to start making meth. It sounded like something that had to be really really well thought out and every step planned. Sure that was there, but I'm having a hard time believing that when a corpse collapsed through the floor of a room in a suburban neighborhood, no one questioned it for half a second. I also find it lackluster that Hank basically connects the dots about Walt by taking a dump, but fuck it if I wasn't entertained I'm really just bitching there.

Anyways, after I accepted the show wasn't what I thought it would be (some hyper-intelligent ground breaking oddly matched duo beating the odds in crazy ways with their combined talents) and just accepted that hey, it's a really entertaining show, one type of person has bugged me. It's the person that defends all the little quirks and questions that non-die hard fans have (such as the corpse floor.)

One thing that bugs me is the pink teddy bear from Breaking Bad. I get that it's just like a recurring motif around the series, Walt wears a pink sweater, Jesse gets punched in the left eye, Chicken dude's left eye is blown up, it's recurring but some people would praise it as a work of pure genius ( people like the guy who wrote this article. ) Would you speak to the intent of that bear? Why was it in the show and why was it a recurring theme?

/r/IAmA Thread