America, humiliated - "This really is our Brexit, times 100. But it’s going to be far worse than that. And of course, the anxious working classes who voted for him the most, are going to get slammed the hardest."

Do you have the memory of a gold fish?

Are you always a condescending liberal?

2 wars, and tax revenue that had been significantly cut.

So his solution was to raise taxes even though he promised yours wouldn't go up unless you made $250,000 a year or more and then start an additional 3 more wars?

unemployment was brought way down, the American auto industry was saved and is now booming.

Unemployment is not way down, only the way it's calculated by the government which fudges it's own numbers to look good.

You do realize under Obama the number of recipients of food stamps has risen to an all time high of over 40 million people right? That's about 1 in 6 Americans.

Ford Motor Company is moving it's factories to Mexico. The same ones that were bailed out right here. They aren't booming at all and if they were they wouldn't be fleeing America.

when they undeniably did a decent job at it.

Here's an article written before the election about how bad his legacy will be. It will actually be worse now that Hillary list and any part of his agenda he wanted to keep will likely get thrown out. Like his healthcare plan will get removed and replaced. His legacy is basically pass a healthcare bill that didn't last, bail out companies that fled the country, shipping a corrupt SoS, raise the national deficit, and set a record for food stamp recipients. That's a laundry list of ugly and you watched it all happen in real time.

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