Andrew Yang says microphone was 'not on' at times during Democratic debate

The problem is those safety net programs work by mitigating costs across large groups of people-same way Medicare for all would mitigate healthcare costs.

Not all programs are health insurance. For most of them, the government just send checks out every month to the people that are on the rolls. There's no shared expense. Having fewer people on EBT doesn't decrease EBT payments.

Which gets back to the other person’s point 12,000 dollars seems like a lot to someone who doesn’t need help, but it’s really not that much to someone who needs a lot of help. Programs we all contribute to equally but are distributed based on need mitigate the cost per person for the extremely unfortunate. By exchanging that with a program that Is distributed equally you are disadvantaging people because hardship is not distributed equally.

If you are already receiving more than $12,000 per year in benefits, you can choose not to opt in and continue receiving your benefits.

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