Any tips for living with a recovering alcoholic?

Sigh...the best advice is to not live with a recovering alcoholic. There is likely to be drama and it will affect your life.

/speaking from experience

But if you must, then be aware that in all likelihood they will fall off the wagon at some point. Alcoholism is a horrible disease/problem/condition/illness and difficult to get out of for all kinds of reasons. They will likely fall off the wagon and you may get some of the fallout and "relapsing and getting kicked out of a sober house" is rarely a one-time event.

Depending on how much care and responsibility you feel for this guy you may end up having to deal with any antics he may pull to feed the habit. Alcoholics know what they're doing is destructive and counter-productive but have an amazing capacity to rationalize and delude themselves into accepting and doing it and will try to use the same logic on the sober people around them. It would be funny if it wasn't tragic.

If you feel no responsibility then you will at least probably have to deal with odd behavior at all hours that will affect your schedule, especially your sleep schedule. It's unpredictable and any routine you have will suffer.

Theft...possibly depending on his work history and salary. Addicts will steal to feed the addiction if they can't hold down a job or earn enough to feed it themselves. My mom lost a lot of jewelry and other items of value to the drug and alcohol addicted boyfriends of her daughter and granddaughter, who stole them and sold them.

Alcoholism just doesn't affect the addict. Not to cause you too much worry but you might be in for a wild ride with this roommate. I joined the military to get away from my sister who just couldn't seem to pick a decent guy and after one too many nights of unnecessary alcoholic drama coming home and waking everyone up and destroying the house I had to get the hell out of there.

Some of the things me and my family had to deal with because of my sister's alcoholic husband was: destroyed property, drinking and driving (we called the cops a few times after telling him we would but he left anyway), money better spent on his kids was spent on booze, bad tempers when he was sober, ridiculous behavior when he was drunk. He ended up getting kicked out of the military for alcoholism after one binge at a nightclub had him follow a woman into the stalls of the ladies' bathroom and climb over the wall as she was in it. His co-workers called him "Spiderman" for a while after that. Again, funny if it wasn't tragic.

Your alcoholic may be different. I hope so, sincerely.

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