Anybody Bleeding After Sex or Masturbation?? M30/F27

Yes to going to the gyno first....could be anything under the sun including changing something in your routine.

But I did deal with something recently that was driving my labido down because it was painless, awesome sex, but I had light bleeding after....some times even the next day!

Look up vaginal atrophy and cervical ectropion.

I know vaginal atrophy will make you think you're hitting an early menopause, but mine was due to the sex being TOO kinky and basically caused some bruises and light wounds that couldn't heal properly because I was not giving them time to. Or not waiting long enough for my Christmas to be wet and merry to get it on lol. They put a little coffee-looking saline shit substance on it to speed it up the healing. Easy peasy.

Cervical ectropion is fairly common and can happen to women in child-bearing years or women who have already given birth because of the intense increase in estrogen. They just freeze the extra cells off and you should be good to go!

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