Apple store in Switzerland

I love gun posts. You have normal gun hobbyists who question why the hate for guns, you have the small penis gun lovers who have to brag about their guns and how they step over the line with them all the time. If gun owners would just be a little considerate then no one would give a fuck about you owning a gun. I love cats, if I walked around with an aggressive lion you would probably question that. If you love guns then for all I care stay home and fuck your gun all night, carry it with you everywhere you go. but don't carry around a huge fucking gun, there is no reason to and it does your entire hobby a disservice. there are so many types of guns out there, carry one that isn't huge and threatening. Problem solved. The problem with gun hobbyists is they feel the need to defend every single gun owner in the world. a 10 year old could be carrying an autorifle through a mall and so long as he doesn't shoot anyone he would have a ton of gun supporters on his side. Just fucking draw a line in the sand when it comes to dealing with the public and don't defend those that cross the line and we would all get along fucking great. Honestly I would defend your right to own a gun all day long, sign all your petitions happily just say ok guys, if we carry a rifle in public we will have it in a case and try to make it as unthreatening as possible, if we carry a pistol we will either cover it up or do our best to camoflauge it and keep it low key. If someone shoots another person we will judge his action and not just give him the benefit of the doubt because he owns a gun. WE will not defend those who shoot when uneedd, we will not defend those who go around praying to get a chance to kill someone. Just draw a line in the sand and you would have the backing of most people I think but gun owners refuse to draw that line in the sand, they say the government has to draw the line for them but if the government even considers it they freak out. Someone should really start a big organization called considerate gun owners and draw some lines in the sand for gun owners. Put a good face out there for people to see and certainly not defend everyone with a gun and recommend guns as a solution to every problem. Guns in schools for instance, school shootings are so fucking rare that adding a load of guns to schools is not an intelligent solution. Considering the rash of police shootings lately it is likely more kids would die from police guns then from kids with guns.

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