Are sidebar rules important? Does using no-participation links make you a "pompous ass"? Early morning scuffle on r/TheBluePill.

For users: If you really care about not "accidentally brigading", maybe try applying a little common sense and self control. Don't leave 40 tabs open so you can come back to them later.

And yet if I feel like doing exactly that, there's this neat little thing that helps keep me on track so I can browse how I want, and doesn't hurt you in the slightest.

And maybe look at what subreddit you are in. Is it one that you normally participate in?then you should feel free to vote and comment as you are a fine, upstanding member of that community. If not, maybe you should take that as your hint to not vote/comment.

Not actually true, according to SRD rules. Np helps people remember that they got to subs they may well normally frequent through this sub, and doesn't hurt you in the slightest.

For mods: If you are really worried about "accidental brigading", just fucking remove downvote arrows in your CSS for everybody. I've never heard people complain about upvote said versus no votes. They just bitch and moan about downvotes. Shit, it's an even easier change than dealing with the np nonsense.

I don't think mods want to do that to their regular users, except the ones who do so without brigading in mind. And even then, some regulars don't like not being able to downvote. Np hardly stops "actual" brigaders, but it means mods don't have to remove downvotes on account of the "accidental" ones, and again, it doesn't hurt you in the slightest.

For admins: If you can explain how "accidental brigading" via meta sub or other link is significantly different for allowed brigading via /r/all, I'd love to hear it. I'd also love to hear an official position on what is actually allowed and disallowed under different circumstances and less evasiveness on the matter. And again, if you really care about "accidental brigading" make some appropriate fucking fixes to your codebase you goddamn slackers.

We may never get clear-cut, laid-out rules by the admins in the interest of case-by-case moderation, and I'm sure we'd all be in favor of official np adoption, but until then, np doesn't hurt you in the slightest.

Mmmmm… the "u mad bro?" Counter.

I mean...the guy's not wrong; listen to yourself.

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