You are teleported to New York City on September 11, 2000. You have one year to stop 9/11, how do you do it?

Past your early 20s, still living with roommates and giving them thousands of dollars whenever they want to screw you over. Sad that "the world doesn't care about you", and angrily posting about how bad religious people are.

This isn't a shithole timeline, you're a shit person in a shit life.

I legitimately can't imagine it. Out of fucking college, too much of a coward to tell your roommates to fuck off - and yet brave enough to parrot stale /pol/ memes.

I'm not telling you this as part of an internet discussion, I'm telling you as a human being because I'm sure you've heard it all your life, and need to hear it again:

You're a fucking joke. Start making some major improvements, or the last person to think about you will be your landlord, wondering why you haven't paid rent in three months and what that horrible smell is coming from your room.

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