"Why are there so many female Mercy mains?" - The real reasons and a woman's perspective for those who care

I'm a guy with a beard so i guess I should only play Reinhardt right? Or Soldier cause I'm from Indiana? Nope, my most played are Zarya, Pharah, Ana, and Symmetra, all female. I play a female character in Fallout, Bloodborne, Skyrim, and males in Halo, CoD, Stardew Valley, Mass Effect etc. it turns out that people like to play what's fun, not just play whoever they look most like.

My personal bet: there are very few females I know who actually game as much as the average guy, and the few that do play usually stick to mario kart/overwatch/rocket league/league of legends/zelda, mostly entry-level popular games. Very few seem interested in more indie experiences like subnautica and the like. In the early 2000's only nerds and losers played video games, so very few females wanted to be associated with it. Now nerdy is "cool" so they're all jumping on the bandwagon. I don't think this has to do with "society telling them not to be competitive" I think it has to do with people only getting involved when they can jump on a bandwagon and not hurt their image.

*typed on mobile.

/r/Overwatch Thread