Army Ranger instructors say women didn't carry the same amount of equipment, didn't take their turns carrying heavy machine guns, and were given intensive pre-training not offered to men, among other things

Trump, and he's leading in the polls. His gripe isn't with the Canadian immigrants, it's with the Hispanic ones. He's running on a platform that's nothing more than a conservative white superiority complex. As far as sexism goes, conservatives prop up the prettiest women no matter how stupid they are. That's the other sexist thing, if you criticize one of these bimbos as the idiots they are, you get told it's only because they're a woman as if they're these delicate flowers they need protecting. The prettier the conservative, the more support they get. There's a reason Rupert Merdock watches Fox News on mute. It's like visgra for old white rich conservatives.

If you want to see the true homophobic sexist racism in its full glory, just check any comments thread on conservative Facebook pages. Not just on par with Bundy's comments about blacks never learning to pick cotton, worse.

They do all this while at the same time playing the victim card constantly. If you call them racist for obvious racially charged comments about Obama, they claim any viable meaningful critique of him is met with that accusation. Christmas every year? Under attack by our Kenyan Muslim President! Kim Davis claiming her religious rights are under attack because the bible says she can't issue marriage certificates? Huh? And of course, let's not forget the liberal media mantra.

The funny thing about this liberal media conspiracy is the only reason they view it as liberal is because they think their totally obvious bias conservative media is the centered "fair and balanced" news.

There is a liberal media and a conservative media, and then there the VAST MAJORITY OF MEDIA which actually is neutral. Liberals don't often call that media "conservative media" but you can bet your dick conservatives call it liberal.

Reality is not some goal post you can move left or right, yet that's what conservatives think is happening. They think they're moving things back to the center where they belong when really, they've moved things so far right, people like Trump are front runner candidates for leaders of the free god damn world.

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