[Ask.fm] Riot Lyte: "Within the next few patches, players that are caught intentionally feeding will get an e-mail with a match history of the games that were flagged for feeding and either receive an immediate 14-day ban or permanent ban about 5 to 15 minutes after their match."

Oh here it comes, the fear to play and have a bad streak because not only you will get flamed, you're risking your account too. Ultimate Russian Roulette.

This will lead to people who are legitimately having a bad game to not even risk participating in teamfights so the system doesn't "flag them". Damn, 0/4 is bad enough, who knows if I will get in "the list" if I try and initiate as a fucking Malphite because it's literally what my champ was made to do, but die in the process! Nah, I'll just watch my team die and ult backwards if I get caught, this is lost anyway.

Helping differentiate intentional from unintentional feeding was LITERALLY the only thing the Tribunal was good, and needed, for. You can let your systems check for "die of cancer" in the chat logs, a machine won't fail at parsing text, but this?

The 0/77 Rammus with 6 Zeals was 9x reported every time and banned based on reports anyway, if they're going to make the system only check for those severe cases, it's just wasted work. If it's going to be way more strict, well, just sit down and enjoy the shitstorm when it's implemented.

Lyte: "We introduced the Leagues system to remove some ladder anxiety a while ago. We realized it's not fair that anxiety is a feeling only related to Ranked games and wanted to bring that sensation to our whole playerbase, so today we're introducing automatic bans for feeding. Have fun!"

I'm usually a zero criticism towards Riot guy, but I really hope they reconsider this, the amount of complaints about justified-unjustified bans, the intense Ctrl+C Ctrl+V work they will have to do to reply to all those tickets, etc, will far outweigh the effort needed to just bring back the goddamn Tribunal and let human beings judge.

I, for one, know that I'll never play champions with a shitty early game who could die to a gank early and create a snowball anymore. Exaggerating? Maybe. But I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread