Atheist here. I just want to ask ya'll a question.

What keeps my faith going is that I've consistently known God to come through in my life. I live with a debilitating chronic illness which has brought me to depend on God and every hardship just draws me closer to him because there I find peace, when by all earthly standards I should be terrified. There was a time when I did not know that in my life and I was trapped in abusive relationships because I thought I couldn't live without them, and suffered with intense anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Now I have that deeper security, it's not as devastating when things go wrong. I'm not saying that it's easy, and in many ways it's harder, but it feels right and true. Often people say to me they don't know how I find the strength, but I know that it comes from that quiet trust in God.

I can't deny that the world is full of problems, and I am filled with empathy for others in suffering. I am politically active when I can be, but it's difficult because of my illness. I believe that when we suffer, God suffers with us, and overflows with compassion for us. He promises that he will wipe every tear from our eye, and that everything will be made new, in time. This is one of the most difficult questions to answer, because we don't really know why God temporarily allows suffering, but the general consensus is so that we can have free will and that our love for God may be by free choice.

When it comes to other Christians, yes, sometimes I feel ashamed to be associated with them. But it's important for me to remember that I am not perfect either, nor am I responsible for them. I should concentrate on being a better example. It's a good thing to challenge harmful attitudes within our faith for all the people who are hurt by them, but I try never to waste my energy on bickering.

/r/Christianity Thread