The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man

they probably get pretty strong and then say " well it doesn't matter how much I weigh or what I eat, im getting stronger. Stupid weak lean people"

Not everyone says that. For some of us, being super lean doesn't have any real benefit. Take me: I'm a pale white guy with the worst genetics when it comes to good looking muscles. Even at < 10% body fat, I still just don't look good. My abs suck, my chest sucks even more, and my abs look as unappealing as they get. I'm still invisible to the opposite sex. I'll never have those tan-able, succulent muscles that other guys have.

What I do have, however, is the natural ability to lift heavy things quickly, so powerlifting, Olympic weight lifting, and other strength sports are what I'm good at. And I perform better at these on a calorie surplus. I'm 6' tall and 225 lbs at the moment, and am considered pretty fat. I actually just got back from running a sub 7 minute mile, which I like to do once or twice a week, so I can probably do a couple things that would surprise you coming from a fat guy.

In short, I'd rather be a strong unattractive white guy who can't tan than a weak unattractive white guy who can't tan. You probably wouldn't understand.

And then they get bored of working out because they have no self control as shown by their lack of dieting

I don't understand how that equates to having no self-control. Actually, all of my meals are prepared fresh by me. I eat about six times a day: breakfast at home, three meals at work between 9-5, protein shake and one or two more meals before bed. It's not a lack of dieting; it's a calorie surplus for the purposes of gaining muscle and strength. And it works.

it turns into "I'm a nice guy!!!"

No, it doesn't. Lol. That's just something you have a hangup for making fun of so you shoe-horn it into every argument.

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