Badbunny Coming For Dylan's Ass

i swear lol some of these people will come up with so many excuses for why they aren't "getting ahead on twitch"

but does it ever occur to them to just be better at streaming?

imagine the entitlement you have to have to hit the live button and think that's all it takes, and if she isn't more successful, it's 100% because she's a woman and toxic debate bros blah blah blah

the irony with badbunny is that if she just kept being an edgy gamer conservative reactionary (before she publicly announced that she was going to grift as a leftist to see how long she could pull it off for), she'd probably be a lot larger

it's such a cope. she's just not a cool person, she doesn't have a good personality, she isn't funny or entertaining, she can't network or maintain relationships because she's playing a fake version of her true self, plus she's HAD tons of opportunities to grow her stream that she got strictly BECAUSE she's a woman

the old IRL streams with her were hilarious and genuinely good banter, she was cool and funny and entertaining when she was actually being herself. that's the saddest part lol.

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