Have I been ghosted or something else Updated

It's funny to read these posts as an older guy and just know...like know...exactly how this is going to go.

One of two things is going to happen...either she is going to be a text pal that will fade pretty quickly...she'll respond quickly at first and then it will take longer and longer for her to respond with her apologizing and then eventually she's going to stop OR you'll actually hang out a bit and then be blindsided when she lets slip that she has a boyfriend and has been dating him for two months and the "friendship" will end.'

There is no chance you ever go on a date with this woman and you're talking yourself into a "friendship" with this woman who is so clearly not interested in you that people on the space station are going "damn, she isn't interested in him".

But these lessons, sadly, just have to be learned. So, go through it and learn the lesson, so that next time you can go "all the best" and delete her number like you should do now.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread