Do you believe in second chances in dating? Let's hear the successes and failures

Pretty much figured this lol. I’m like OP in that I think I bring a good amount to the table. While I’m not classically handsome, I work out religiously, have a decent career, got into an elite law program, own a very unique property in one of the most expensive cities of North America, am pretty much financially free aged 30, have a lot of hobbies and interests, love cooking and keep a spotless place. I’m completely sober and have never had a single issue with the law. Cheating has never even crossed my mind once, and I try to be very generous with my time and resources for the right person; never split bills, text frequently and like to show frequent gestures of appreciation whenever I can. I also never judge people for their past or their backgrounds, and am fine trying to accommodate whatever trauma someone has if they want to be open about it.

I realize though that none of that or anything positive I do with matter with her, simply because she just isn’t interested in me in that way. Like you said, I served a purpose to her. I’m not angry at her, just at myself for being stupidly optimistic and not expecting a repeat outcome. Oh well, it is what it is- lesson learned

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