A black teen was on his girlfriend's back porch when a Florida state trooper tased him

Is it entirely unreasonable to suggest that a call was made to 911 by a neighbour, or somebody passing by, informing dispatch that there was a young man in the back of a property, who may have been in the process of committing a burglary?

So with that information on hand, what steps does the officer take upon arriving? The officer goes to the back of the property and finds the male. They could have been talking for minutes. We don't know, because clip is cut deliberately in a way that shows no context whatsoever.

The officer is asking the man to show his hands, because this is a suspect of a burglary. The man is not complying with that lawful order. So the taser gets deployed. That's pretty standard practice when dealing with uncompliant suspects...

On top of that the video is muted half the time. The bandwagoning and circlejerking without any critical thinking here is just ridiculous.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it