The Blue Pill, Spherical Cows, and Ayn Rand

Wait... so women don't really enjoy sex? That attitude is hilariously Victorian. As for "lifetime happiness" don't you think that individual women are a better judge of that? Utility is subjective so why not let the individual subject make that assessment?

And not all drug consumption is degenerate-addiction level.

Utility is subjective therefore the subject in question is best positioned to make the judgments about what works for them. In addition, your same logic would basically try and prohibit female sexual fantasy; because clearly if she's dreaming about Christian Grey/etc. she could never truly be satisfied with an average man.

I find that logic utterly terrifying in its totalitarian implications.

I don't agree with that theory of utility. I think the presumption that individuals know what's best for themselves leads to some absurd conclusions. For example, Bryan Caplan tried to apply the theory of rational choice to mental illness..

True, but many people destroy their lives with drugs, and they have regrets, genuine regrets, which is an indication that their previous choices were a mistake.

I would try to prohibit female sexual fantasy; in the 19th century, women were discouraged from reading salacious novels, Flaubert was put on trial, etc. I wouldn't throw Flaubert in jail, but I would make literature with sex in it difficult to obtain for the masses.

I gladly embrace the totalitarian label.

Was that sex satisfying for either men or women? Duty-bound starfish sex. And remember that religions of the time often restricted non-procreative sexual activity (some still do, like the Roman Catholics).

This is an interview with Carter Cruise, porn star.

Favorite position? . Super lame, but missionary. I think it’s underrated. It’s so intimate, and the only reason people don’t like it is because society thinks it’s too vanilla, but you’re face-to-face, so close, and I think it feels the best.

Most people say this, if my impression serves correctly.

I don't think there's any evidence that the sex had in the past was less satisfying than today. Lots of men complain about star-fish sex, or no sex, in this porn-abundant, liberated age.

Catholics didn't all follow their creed.

Why not just legalize whores and porn? Frankly, a good lady of the evening is far better at making a man feel desired than a wife who married you just because she had to, and who just lies back and thinks of England.

Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? I've heard that it's just not the same, that they lack enthusiasm. For a large portion of men, condom sex is nigh worthless, and most prostitutes won't do it without a condom, not high volume ones anyway.

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