Boyfriend broke up with me bc he says I falsely accused him of rape, but i never meant to do that! Can i fix things?? His fault or mine? (f19, m20)

PSA: Based on OP's username and post history this is likely an alt-account of Goldswitchblade.

She has Borderline Personality Disorder and has been banned from several subs (including TrueOffMyChest, which is where I recognize the name) for lying repeatedly and making up stories that change every half hour about her boyfriend, or alleged boyfriend.

In past stories she has recounted this story as completely consensual with no hitting or pressure. She appears to change it depending on whether she's mad at her boyfriend when she makes the post. She also recounts stories of cutting herself to pressure her boyfriend into doing things for her, and threatens to cut herself whenever someone criticizes her abusive post history.

She's incredibly manipulative and has been urged to seek therapy by probably dozens of Redditors over several months, and is constantly spamming the OffMyChest subs with conflicting and inconsistent stories which change from minute to minute, when she's not banned yet.

I'm using an alt so that the crazy doesn't rub off. I don't have any proof, but I mean, look at the post history. She talks about being in love with a spirit or imaginary friend. She's psycho and lies about everything.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent