BREAKING: Comedian Louis C.K. says allegations of sexual misconduct are true, expresses remorse.

It's ALWAYS their own choice to ruin their integrity instead of their career. Some people have standards in life and don't crumble for short term money and power. Weird isn't it

BTW fuck Louis CK but I am honestly confused about this issue. They didn't have to be involved. They succumbed to the power structure and greed almost as much as he did.

They weren't trapped by any means. Say "FUCK NO" to Louis CK when he asks, if you feel violated report it right then, sue his ass, and be glad you aren't working with a creep. Why debate it and decide to do it, then regret it later? You are the one who thought it was worth it to see him jack it for the power/greed/money in the first place. That's not a good trade off then or now. You decided it was worth it. You were not trapped or force in any way to agree. Why is no one responsible for their decisions?

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