broke up with my bf because he doesn't find me attractive after illness

Feeling unwanted sucks. I have mental illness that comes and goes and a couple years ago I started going though psychosis, and I was living with a bunch of roommates including two sisters. The sisters were really pretty, so within a month of living there I asked the older sister out, and she not only turned me down, but both sisters got mad at me. I tried to avoid them, but they called me all sorts of names including creep and even complained to the landlord that I was following them because I accidentally ran into them at McDonalds (small town). Not only this, after the sisters stopped talking to me, I realized I was in love with the 19 year old younger sister because the fun we had before she got mad at me. The landlord called me and told me I need to avoid them and I agreed, but in an act of defiance, I just told the younger sister that I loved her in front of my roommates and her sister. The sisters both laughed at first, then swiftly rejected me, then told the landlord. The landlord told me to move out within three weeks or they would take action. Those three weeks were shitty, and I tried to make it up to them by cleaning the house every day, but it did not work. I also was failing college and having extreme delusions. After 2 weeks, I moved away to my dad's and got a job on a farm. I got my shit together and started internet dating. After a bunch of dates, now I have a girlfriend of 4 months. Also, I get straight A's in school, and I'm graduating in 2 weeks. The shitty part is where you're at now, the fun part is where you may be at in some time if you take the right steps. Exercise, stress management, nutrition, and work toward your goals. Overcoming is the best part of life.

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