Bush battles plastic poncho

I live on the side of the North Side that is separated from the true North Side by the interstate brother. My little neighborhood is good because we have some killer city views. However, I am surrounded by low income all the hell around me. Projects up the hill. Northview Terrace a little further back. Spring Garden over my hill. Not super good places.

I think some of the problem, or most, is some folks are just stuck. Not just in a I have no job mentality, but in an I have no job and this is normal mentality. A government bennies mentality.

I honestly voted for Gary Johnson for the sole reason of his support of black folks. He wanted to decriminalize drugs and make drug offenses a mental health issue. With that, a guy that got caught with drugs could rehab and get a job and wouldn't have to check yes on the paperwork to get a job.

I'm an early 40s white dude, but talk with lots of the black folks around my parts. Super nice people. Just want normal lives. But then again, I don't dare go walk my dogs in certain areas. Some black folks seem content going the easy but deadly and jail riddled way. Quick bucks.

Most people would probaby consider me racist just for stating my opinion on what I see really going on. Kinda sucks. So I just hang with my wife and kid and dogs and watch it happen and hope someone else will say it.

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