But I could never give up cheese!

You're just going to conveniently ignore the part where 90% of the research vegans use to support their claim comes from vegan scientists?

The same you say about these scientists being fishermen can be said about them, but again, you won't hear that on this sub.

but it's like they did it out of some big brother echo chamber protection conspiracy.

Well, I'm glad you at least admit the mods of this place are biased as fuck.

not shadowbanning mind you, just normal banning, even though you said shadowbanning if I remember correctly, which is significantly different

They didn't ban him, they quietly removed his comment so no one would notice their censorship.

So if the mods had any reason of banning that comment, it was because it was misleading and poorly written.

You're telling me that a bunch of redditors are calling a research paper produced by people with a PhD poorly written. I'll consider that opinion once they show me their own PhD. If you tried this in the real world you'd be the laughing stock of millions, and rightfully so.

It all still comes down to vegans calling research disagreeing with them "poorly written" and "misleading", while research done by vegan scientists, who would have the exact same conflicts of interest, is praised and used as evidence en masse. If that's not evidence for this place being an echo chamber I don't know what is.

/r/vegan Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com