Can we have shadow daggers crosshair fixed anytime soon?

Jesus christ this is crazy. You seem to think that I do not respect you for some reason. I was literally trolling by shitposting a meme that was irrelevant to the conversation at hand. I wasn't trying to make subtle comments about your intelligence, although I'll say now that you seem strangely aggressive once you decide your "enemies".
I'm wasn't trying to say that I was morally correct for shitposting a useless meme, I was trying to say that I actually agree with your opinion about crosshair shaking.

I knew you weren't adding to the discussion, albeit not til you copy pasted it a second time.

Believe me, when I copy pasted it a second, I was not adding to the discussion, I was literally just trolling with a pointless meme.
I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. I was being a troll, not trying to further the discussion (so I was in the wrong), and I should have been downvoted and ignored like all the other idiots who do the same thing.
yet you've decided to continue involving me in an argument that ultimately, I am enjoying.
Again, I honestly am not trying to make comments about your intelligence, I really do believe that a language barrier is making it slightly harder for you to understand the full, contextualised meaning of what I am saying, although what I am saying is simple.

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