Canada Aboriginals Reject $960 Million Petronas Gas Deal. An aboriginal group along Canada’s Pacific Coast turned down Petroliam Nasional Bhd.’s offer of C$319,000 ($267,000) for each member as compensation for building a natural gas export terminal on ancestral lands.

Here's a perspective from someone who lives on Tsimshian land (Prince Rupert) which is 45m away from port simpson (the Lax Kwa'alaams community, where the Tsimshian reside). The main reason they voted no was because who knows where the company will be in 20 years & the government could give 0 fucks if they get f'd over... What most people dont know is that 2 or so generations ago the children of natives were removed and put into residential schools which was ran by the church. The hardship they endurerd is unimaginable... The kids were abused physically and sexually. Get a beating for speaking the traditional language, experimental dental work was done, if they became pregnant the babies would be buried in a shoe-box, and they had to learn the European way of life (God ect.). They lost so much knowledge that would be passed down from the Elders to the children, and that was the main purpose of the shcools.. To degrate the FN peoples culture & they did a really good job of that. Just recently though the school system has integrated "sm'algyx" a 2nd language class of Tsimshian language. We lost our culture, language, and teachings from our Elders. Go back a lil bit more in history and you'll find out about how their were no natives in Newfoundland, now why is that? Because they were all killed off way back when. Potlatch's were banned (where the people would dance and sing while having a feast for the whole community). Smallpox induced blankets were traded to native people with the traders knowing smallpox was on them... Like shit man the backwards racism that happens here to the FN indigenous peoples is sorta like the racism towards the blacks in the states. It's time we stop this infliction and dissin' its not part of our human mission, its time we stop the hate-why do people descriminate? Now know, that I know natives aren't perfect now-a-days, a lot of corruption goes on in the self-governence, a lot of alcohol abuse, sexual and physical abuse happen in the communities... But why is that? Hmm.. Just my 2 cents, but maybe they were so hurt from what happened to them and got flashbacks from what happened to them as children and youth, that they took it out on their own. I know from personal experience that I was physically abusesd because of what happened to my parents. But thats a whole other story. The way of the old first peoples of this land was that of respect to the land, they belived that everything was connected and used only what they needed. When an animal was killed nothing was thown away to waste. What I think is that we as a whole people, all races need to come together and educate our generaitions to come of the problems of the past and how we need to strive for equality, but sadly I know this will probably take a millennium for it to happen. All I see in this current corrupt as fuck world I'm living in is capitalism. Christy clark only cares about $$$ - fuck that whore and the harper she rode in on. Tupac said "when will we see a black president". Well when will we see a brown prime minister. I think its time for change, but we're not ready for a a revolution just yet... I mean what do you want to do in your life? Probably get a job, so you can buy a house, so you can provide for your family. And to do that you need to make money... and that takes time. You sleep 8 hours, and work 8 hours, not including a lunch... 24 -17, leaves you with 6 free hours where you probably want to relax and chill with friends or the famjam or are too tired to do much... Well you know what? I'm tired of the bullshit, this world is ran by oil and men in masks only caring about that $$$ - its time we start caring about our mother, mother nature that is. Cause we only got one planet my brothers and sisters.

I cant stand to see one of the last prestine places on Earth get ruined, this is Beautiful British Columbia after all. I live in the rainiest city in Canada with the worlds third deepest natural harbour, everything thing here is connected. What happens when the salmon stop spawing in the skeena? We rely on them as a food source as do many other living creatures. We cannot destroy the ecosystem just to boost the economy.

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