Is Canada being radicalised? - Daily Times

I think people are definitely trying.

There's a couple of that I think hinder the alt-right in Canada from really becoming as influential as it has in America:

1) The Rebel is nowhere nearly as influential as its American equivalent in Brietbart

2) There isn't as much commonality among Canadian whites as there are American whites. Quebec being the major divisive force here. Someone who's really into ethnic nationalism in Canada has historically been thought of as an old school Quebec separatist - and they're a dying breed. Most new school separatists are civic nationalists, as in they don't believe that language and/or race is a focal point for why Quebec should separate. True blue Canadian nationalism is very rare in Quebec - even among Anglophones who see themselves as a bit of both (Quebecois and Canadian) so already a surge of racist nationalism in Canada leaves out Quebec.

3) Canada's most influential political battlegrounds also happen to be by far it's most progressive. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa combine for something like 70 seats in Parliament. Not a single riding in anyone of cities went to a Conservative MP. And in their surrounding areas, the places where Conservatives polled well are not the Republican style hillbilly racists that do well in America.

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