I cant agree with sex work being real work.

No im not im saying exactly what I intend to say.

Why not?

That shouldnt be the case is the argument. Its going to happen and i cant stop it.

Why shouldn't it be the case? So far all you have said is it's morally wrong but there's no objective standard for morality. Therefore they're subjective. So while you say it shouldn't be like that you don't say exactly why?

Why is that form of bartering any better or worse than any other form?

No it isnt work. Its not work no matter how sweaty you get or how much money is involved. With that logic, swimming is work because its exhausting. With that logic, walking up flights of stairs is work because its using up energy.


Every definition supports sex work as work.

Your arguments are the logical equivalent of "Nu Uh" which is how children argue.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent