Charles Krauthammer “impressed” by Trump’s ability to make Hillary STFU

You're missing the point. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept for jurors in a court of law. It does not mean that the average person has to assume that someone accused of a criminal act is actually innocent, regardless of the number of accusers, and the details of their accusations.

You wouldn't let someone repeatedly accused of child molestation babysit your kids (or even their spouse, most likely), just because they hadn't been proven guilty in court.

Whether you believe the allegations against Bill (or those against Hillary in trying to minimize them or cover them up) is up to you, but pretending you have to ignore them because they hadn't been proven in court is a tad disingenuous.

Speaking of court though, Clinton DID pay a settlement to Paula Jones of $850,000 after it looked like her appeal might gain traction.

Not only that:

In April 1999, Judge Wright found Clinton in civil contempt of court for misleading testimony in the Jones case. She ordered Clinton to pay $1,202 to the court and an additional $90,000 to Jones's lawyers for expenses incurred,[16][17][18] far less than the $496,000 that the lawyers originally requested.[18]

Wright then referred Clinton's conduct to the Arkansas Bar for disciplinary action, and on January 19, 2001, the day before Clinton left the office of president, he entered into an agreement with the Arkansas Bar and Independent Counsel Robert Ray under which Clinton was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas for a period of five years.[19] His fine was paid from a fund raised for his legal expenses.

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