Check in with everyone

Got into jogging, really enjoyed having a 400 calorie burning run every morning and was steadily losing 1.5 pounds a week or more. Was .2 pounds from my first mini goal. Then, some asshole on a bicyle ran over one of my feet, and when trying clumsily to get out of the way, I rolled the other one pretty badly. The last two days have been one long pity party. I have a pinched nerve in my back and the wobbly ankle hobble must have awakened it from hibernation. Today, I had to ask my 74 year old dad to come down to help tie my shoes because I couldn't bend down that far and couldn't turn the ankle in the sprained foot enough to bring it up to me. I walk dogs for a major source of extra income (350 a week or more) and I am in constant pain trying to fulfill my responsibilities. The back pain is unreal and spiders from the base of my spine down my leg and into the sore ankle.

But, it's a beautiful day here. The birds are singing and the dogs and I are having a rest in the shade. I will persevere and I will be fine. At least I don't need crutches, and I was considering joining a 5k and this is the answer from the universe I needed to know this is not a good time for me to do that. But man oh man, is it ever hard to face the day lately. I need a half hour cry before I can leave my house. Thanks for asking. I'm trying not to unload my pains onto my partner or colleagues and it's hard keeping it all to myself when it's all I can think about.

/r/loseit Thread