Clay Christensen Podcast

Thank you for posting here. Your podcast was something else. I'm still somewhat new with all this. Probably best to say I'm NOM, but I'm searching for my quick path out. Your podcast just hit close to home, very close. Church hasn't done anything horrible to me, I haven't agreed with or followed teachings as well as I could have but I was pretty dang committed either TBM or near TBM. I worry about my kids in the same way as was brought up to you as a question in the podcast. Mine range from 16 yr old down to 5 yr old. I worry more about my wife. She's TBM, her whole family is. My FIL is a patriarch, comes from a line of patriarchs, something like 5-6 in a row now. My wife's brother is a SP. my wife's twin's husband is a MP overseas. I fear tremendous push back to the point I wonder if marriage may crumble. I believe I have to choose which I want more: living a lie, or not living the lie but possibly being very lonely without my wife and possibly kids. That is what has caused me to pause. When she's so TBM, I don't know how to get her to even read CES letter. But I can't live a lie. Thus I know she has to choose what she wants to do, but I want to at least do a good job proving my point or position to give me a shot at staying with her in a very happy marriage, such as it is now. After listening to your most recent podcast today I believe the podcast will help me. I believe it gives me the best chance of having her see people just like she and I are leaving not because we hate the church but because it has lied to us and is divisive.
If this is too much please don't answer, but would you mind sharing how all this affected your wife initially? How did you share with her? What were her thoughts and problems with it? How did she overcome them?
Thank you so much. Thank you for getting on the podcast w John. I've only listened to a few podcasts so far; I'm so glad I clicked on yours today.

/r/exmormon Thread Parent