CMV: Atheists have no basis for morality

#1 - it is irrelevant, because it's not necessary for my argument. You can take as given that animals don't abide by the golden rule and you can even take as given that the bible invented the golden rule - even though neither of those things are true.

Even if they were true - the golden rule being 'invented' in the bible does not have any bearing on whether atheists consider it moral, because atheists put no stock into whether anything is or is not referenced in religious books.

Their following of the golden rule for the betterment of society is completely apart from it being referenced in various religions.

#2 - you would have to do an insane amount of mental gymnastics to try to provide a 'full context' that suggests the bible means the opposite of what it says.

It not only says slavery is OK (Exodus 21:1), it says slaves themselves should be OK with it (Colossians 3:22) and lays out exact regulations for buying and selling slaves (Leviticus 25:44, Exodus 21:20, 21:32).

In fact the ONLY way christians are able to justify the bible supporting slavery is to literally chuck out the entire book that makes up their god in the first place.

They say the book that makes up their god is somehow wrong because it was written before jesus' time.

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