CMV-Most single people are average looking

If men were open to commitment at the same age that women are, this wouldn't be a problem. When I was 14, I liked other 14 year old boys just as much as I liked 16 year old boys. But guess who was actually willing to admit they had a girlfriend instead of being afraid their friends would call them a pussy for (ewwww) LIKING GIRLS? Guess who would actually take the girl on a date instead of asking her to come over and play Mario Kart?

A lot of women in their 20s are attracted to guys their age- younger, even. I mean, damn, I've seen 18 year old guys who are attractive. But at the end of the day, we know any guy our age won't be on the same page as us. If she's 23 and the guy is also 23, he'll want to "netflix and chill" and his idea of a date will be chipotle regardless of how much money he makes. Meanwhile, a 26 year old guy might actually be open to a relationship as opposed to an endless stream of dick pics.

Also, the most common age pairing in marriage is being the same age, followed by the guy being one year older, so this is less of a thing than you're making it out to be.

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