CNN Anchor Chokes Up Reporting on Trump’s Latest Racist Twitter Rant: “Donald Trump has tweeted more than 43,000 times. He’s insulted thousands of people… but when he tweets about infestation, it’s about black and brown people,” reporter Victor Blackwell said

Whether or not Obama was born in the USA made no difference to me. The issue as I understand it had to do with the documentation as such. I voted for Obama.

And no, I don't care that Trump panders to people. I think he is playing to stay in office. I think he has done nothing to sabotage people of color. In fact I think he has a history of helping them. That it would suddenly be so easy to label him racist because of "speech patterns" is some tin foil crap. That's why you need to attack him for what he's actually done wrong. If Democrats weren't trying to pin the racist tail on the donkey he wouldn't even be president. It's just laughable.

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