Confirmation of Betsy DeVos was DELAYED! Contact your senator to say that you oppose Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education!

Just for the sake of good conversation, I'll respond . . .

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a fan of T_D, and voted for him. I also work in education.

It could be argued that virtually all public school teachers in the United States have at least a bachelor's degree. Although I do not believe that a degree from a non-profit, accredited college should ever be considered not "real", some undoubtedly fall into the liberal arts category - a category more likely to produce teachers than any other. And, according to the NCES, over 82% of primary & secondary teachers in the US have a liberal arts degree, with over half majoring in teaching or one of the following majors as part of a certification program: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science.

So, yes, although it may be wrong to say "those who can do, and those that can't teach" (and those that can't teach, teach gym), it is right to say that those with educations least like to allow them to do, teach.

Additionally, in citing Finnish culture, you begin down a slippery slope. First, 2015 OECD data ranks Finnish education 6th out of 76 developed countries, while the US ranks 29th - so one could (probably unfoundedly) argue that Finnish teachers deserve more respect. To continue down the slippery slope (perhaps too far), in Nazi Germany, killing non-Aryans was higly respected.

Again, although I come from the other side of the aisle, I work in a similar industry. And, though I don't agree with all of your opinion, I support your right to believe them, and highly respect what you do.


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