This is the cost of a Rattlesnake bite in America

Your points on this very heated topic is well taken, and thank you for the time and effort. My private physician and I have had many discussions and he has been very forthcoming with me, expressing similar sentiments along the same lines as you. He once referred to it as a complex variation of the ancient shell game.

The depute I have with all this isn't aimed at the doctors (well, with exception to some of the blatantly unethical - my doctor accepts military veterans despite Tricare insurance falling way short of his standard office visit). Its the absurdity that American health care has operated under the same business models as Wall Street commodities and even listed under private investor categories not unlike wheat and barely futures, or poultry and pork belly gains and losses. In other words, health in the united states is a commodity - like my toaster or refrigerator. And even more disturbing, large pharmaceuticals and pharmacies are in on the hustle. My doctor has regaled me with tales of legitimate medications rejected by both the pharmacy and insurance companies working together because he specified "non-generic" and they required justification requiring he call them... time best devoted to his patients. And while the originally invented republican "Obama Care Plan" isn't perfect, misinformed Americans echo rant-crazed political pundit hucksters getting Pharmaceutical fringe "bennies" [sic] because the real truth is that the health care reform act is cutting into money being made off of illness and rocking the boat. So corporate giants from Bayer to Roche have made allies with obfuscated business groups behind the insurance conglomerates to rattle consumer confidence. And so the game continues - and according to my physician, the only trustworthy allies to the patient are the physicians caught up in frontal assault on ethical health care. Nevertheless, not all doctors are so upstanding to be trusted, so the knee-jerk reaction delivered by the plexor is to be cynical of the entire system.

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