CSIRO cuts bring Australia global fame for choosing stupid

Yeh but it is the slightly better shambles that isn't run by the shamble master and is more supported by the bought and payed for shamble directorate run by the rich shambles......... my sentence structure is a shambles, oh no i am infected! Pass out the shotguns and chainsaws, the zombie apocalypse has well and truly started centered in parliament. But i digress, from umm whatever point i was trying to make, on some topic, hmmm, hey look cat videos, awesome, gimme those generic carbohydrate loaded processed thingos so i can poison myself because the ads i see tell me of the delectable amazing flavourific infusions of specialness. Hey, beer. Hey mates, did you see that non specific, often drunken disgrace of a sports star chase that ball in a special way. He is so special for his athletic ability and prowess at hugging boys and on those sports grounds, he so deserves those ungodly sums of money. Oh god not the news, look, some scientist didn't get funding for....... hey hey the pizza is here, who wants another beer, how the hell are we paying the damn mortgage this week, the country is so broken, god damn politicians. See this new green furry tow ball cover i got for my 500hp ute. I think we will have to cut our british holiday a bit short this year, damn these politicians they are so not doing their j..... turn that god damn trash news of, dancing with the stars is on followed by wrestling with the crocs or some crap. Don't tell me there is another damn election coming up. WE ALWAYS VOTE LABOUR, my father did, his father did before him. Oh shit, we will be at the Summernats, fuck it, the fine isn't very much or we can send cousin pete down there, the ID checking is a joke. Got another beer honey?

Sincerely, the average Middle class Aussie.

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - brisbanetimes.com.au