Dear Ladies of Reddit: What's your best "Today I fucked up" story?

One of my best friends volunteered with disabled adults through her church and got placed with a "Buddy" named Jane who was blind on top of something else. Jane became a stage 5 clinger and when my best friend got engaged, Jane would hysterically cry non stop because she was not asked to be a bridesmaid after only knowing my friend for three weeks.

Wedding stress on top of the Jane situation made my friend have anxiety attacks every time she was scheduled to spend time with Jane. As a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding, I offered to take over as Jane's buddy to help reduce stress.

Jane was the most boy crazy person I have ever known in my entire life and weirdly very obsessed with how attractive people were. She once told me that she had a previous buddy through the program who wasn't attractive and she preferred to have me around because she could tell by the way that people treated us that I was pretty. All she ever wanted to talk about was boys and would often attempt to use being blind to have male waiters stay and talk to her longer.

Jane started dating a guy online and within the first week, she was telling me about how in love they were and how she was sure that he was the one. How did she know that he was the one? He did all sorts of romantic things like show up to her house with flowers unexpectedly. I asked Jane how he knew where she lived and that's when she told me "that's the best part! I never did. Isn't that so romantic?" Being a human who doesn't like to hear new stories about people being chopped up into tiny bits, I tried to explain that what he did was not romantic and actually really terrifying. She looked in my direction and said "you've never been in love. You don't know what it's like to have someone be interested in you."

I promptly flipped her off then looked around to see the entire patio, including our waiter standing over us with a look of horror that I was flipping a blind person off. The manager came out and politely asked I not come back to their establishment.

TL;DR: I flipped off a blind girl and was kicked out of my favorite restaurant.

/r/AskWomen Thread