Did I get honeypotted?

lol, u were great till the end.

Lemme tell u what this girl did to me: I met her at a friends house, she asked for a ride home, I gave her one. Later she called my phone and said she wanted to hang out. We did, and she seemed kinda dumb, but really cute... So I dated her for about 2 years. In that time I became really good friend with her cousin, a guy about my age. We started fishing / boating / hunting together, pretty much everything. Became best friends. So two years pass, have literally zero problems with this girl, (except a few minor arguments the general relationship stuff) and one day I'm going fishing with her cousin, and he tells me that their OTHER cousin, a girl, our age, would be visiting the next week.

So hang with me, she comes up, we meet at a party and we all get drunk have a good time, this is back when I was like 22. The next day my ex GF and my buddy, her guy cousin, run to town to grab some breakfast. I stay at the house with their female cousin, who is still passed out, I'm playing video games on the oldschool xbox original. So I'm getting my nascar on, and suddenly the girl cousin comes out and sits on the other couch. Basic conversation went like this "So did you have fun last night?" she says "Oh ya, great time." we talk about he cousins, how long it's been since they've seen eachother, basic small talk. Suddenly she is like "So you're like really hot, and I totally haven't had sex in like two weeks, do you want to sneak off later today and have sex?" And my fucking jaw hits the floor, I'm thinking it is a setup or she is just joking, I'm not sure. And eventually I realize she is still looking at me and is definitely serious, and I say "I can't cheat on #((#$(, that would be messed up, are you serious?" and she says "Oh come on, you know that she cheats on you all the time right?" that's when my hands went cold, I dropped the controller, and started sweating. "Wha wha what? What do you mean she is cheating on me?" and she says "Oh I thought you knew, (#(#$ (Her guy cousin) knows about it, he hasn't told you? That's how I found out..." And I'm just like WHAT THE FUCK internally. So I ask her if she is serious or just fucking with me, she says repeatedly she is serious.

So I call my buddy, her cousin, and I say "dude, you need to get back here ASAFP, because we need to have a serious talk." He had no idea what it was, but he could tell it was urgent, his reply was "on my way brosef"

So he shows up, my SO goes inside, she doesn't even have a clue. I take him around to the backyard, and I was very straight forward with him. "Bro, you're my best friend, but, your cousin in there is either a giant liar, or you are. I'm really tempted to blast you in the face right now, but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and tell me if (#)($# is cheating on me all the time, because your cousin says she is and that you know about it..." He is blank faced, white as a sheet. Finally he sighs and says "I wanted to tell you so bad bro, I really did, but she's my family, you don't rat on family..." And I was fuckin furious, I slapped his hat off of his head, I did not hit him though I was very tempted.

He then started giving me names of guys she had slept with, and was offering to go around and help me beat them up, but of course I said fuck off, she's the problem, not them, I doubt they even knew about me. But you fucking knew... Because the entire day was so surreal I kinda started thinking it was a big hoax again, like they were just cousins playing a prank on me, hahaha type of thing, but seriously messed up. So I told him this, I said "you're just fucking with me, dude, this isn't a funny prank." and he pulled out his cell phone, and called some guy up, put it on speakerphone.

Some guy answers, "Hey what's up brosef!" and my "buddy" says "hey man, I heard a dirty rumor..." and the guy says "hold on let me get to another room, my GF is here..." and a few seconds later he says "what's up brosef?" My "buddy" says "Hey, I heard that last week you did something dirty, with my cousin, that she came over there late at night or something, what's up brosef?" and the guy just goes "Oh ya, haha, dude I forgot about that, ya she called me up last weekend, came over, we smoked a joint and then she gave me a blowjob and then I fucked her..." and my "buddy" says "Oh, ok thanks dude" and hangs up. And looks at me and says "now do you believe me?"

Needless to say I fucked her cousin, then called her, told her about it, then dumped her.

She breaks into my new residence a month later with her sister, does over 20k in damages, threw all the TV's and computers on the floor, hit the wood floor with hammers, sliced my roommates mattress in half ( a really expensive serta), and decided NOT to break my computer.

We call the police, and lo and mother fuckin behold, I'm considered the main suspect because suddenly I'm being interrogated about why MY computer was the only thing untouched in the house.

I tell him it's probably my ex, and we have pictures on that hard drive, so to her she wanted it intact and not broken.

So after my roommate finally convinces them it wasn't me, due to the fact I was with him the entire fucking time, they tell us that they can't just go knock their door down and look for evidence, that there's basically nothing to do except file with insurance.

I saw her maybe 2 years later, she had a kid already, was single, and looked like she had discovered cocaine...

This girl was MUCH MUCH fucking worse than my current SO, can't even compare the two.

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