Discussion Megathread: Brett Kavanaugh Senate Hearing (Thread 3)

Everyone stop for just one second, look at how unbelievably congested this thread is. I've never seen one this insane before.

There are hundreds of comments a second, most of which are one-sentence long, and very few people actually responding to eachother. Literally thousands of them.

Scroll down, scroll back up, refresh, and everyone's thoughts will be replaced by a whole new group of 50 people's thoughts.

All of our comments are just getting flushed down the cyber drain, likely never to be seen again, forced out by a whole new batch, and then again 10 seconds later, and again 10 seconds later...

It's just a pulsing repository of brief statements of feeling. No one is reading eachother's comments, and we all know no one will read ours.

It's like we're all purging. This is like a weird community cyber-catharsis.

Pretty heady shit guys.

We should probly smoke some weed about it.

Also, fuck this dude B-Kav. What a weepy, undignified numpty dickhead.

/r/politics Thread