The Division's next 2 expansions will be free

God that reminds me of the period of early-to-late 2000s, where Ubisoft had a string of some really, really amazing games like Beyond Good & Evil, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the Splinter Cell sequels, the first couple of AC games, and a bunch of other smaller games I've totally forgotten about.

Now Ubisoft's that company that you laugh at for being borderline incompetent at making stuff. They went hardcore into "Don't give a shit - make a profit!" territory, and that's a damn shame. Between their yearly release bullshit, all the microtransactions they can shove into single-player games, terrible support, season passes that never amount to anything, buggy games that crash constantly while maintaining a forced "cinematic" 30 fps, and of course, copy and pasting the same games over and over again...Ubi really needs to do something to turn the ship around.

I genuinely hope the next AC game is good again, I really liked the earlier games but it just became this bloated joke of a pig over time. I really want Ubisoft to be a good, enjoyable company again, it seems they may have finally listened to a lot of the backlash at them, but we'll have to wait and see. I don't have a lot of faith in them so far.

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