Does anyone else only suffer nightmares about their Nfamily?

I trip in my dreams about my mom sending me to mental hospital for no reason every night. My mom is nice half the time but when u ask her why she is doing unreasonable things like make me go to bed at 8 when I am 17 yrs old or only lets me use my computer for 3 hours a day she gets triggered because she has no answer and takes her internal confusion out on me and everyone in the house. I think she has autism or something because interactions with her are really weird and it seems like she just fucking looks for reasons to get angry at me. Today when she took my computer for the night and hid it in her room from me even though I wouldn't even go on it without her permission because she would probably call the police (she takes everything out of my room every night and hides it for no reason) I asked her why she does this and why I can't do what I want on school days when all my friends are busy and i can't just walk to people's house on the weekdays because I live on the other side of town she just got mad and said "because that was our agreement" but I only agreed because she would flip the fuck out if I didn't. I said but why did you want to agree on this and she broke out and started yelling at me because I am not allowed to negotiate with her. She makes me go to a therapist because she blames all my anxiety and stress on my dad but she is the one in all my fucking nightmares and I am being psychiatrically evaluated because the people at the mental hospital I got sent to wanted to see if I was insane or not because of all the crazy shit my mom said I did (which I didnt) and the lady says I just have anxiety and ADHD and I am under a lot of stress because of my mom. I am on 5 different medications for disorders I don't have and my whole life is a mess because of all these drugs I am constantly being forced to take. This shit is for crazy people who need to have their moods suppressed (probably like my mom) and they just make me feel really tired and I can barely get out of bed because my blood pressure drops to the point where 80 degrees feels like I am in below freezing weather. I can't focus on class even though I have adderall because these mood pills make me so dizzy and tired and my psychiatrist won't listen to anything I say and she just tells my mom to send me to the hospital if anything she says happens. Fuck man she stalks my phone and I have to delete this soon because she said I am banned from ever talking on here again even though it is anonymous which makes no sense. She tells all my teachers before the school year that I am extremely autistic and have problems but every year my teachers slowly realize I am normal and a victim to my moms mental abuse. She tells all her friends I am this horrible person who makes her life hell when I say under 20 words to her a day. All my family and friends now hate me from what she says about me so the only people I can go to for support are my close friends, random people, and my double step grandma because my normal step grandma is dead and my grandpa remarried. Fuck. Thanks. Bye.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread