Does dread game work on men too ?

Sure but your relationship preferences are a lot more closely linked to sexual desires than your profession so I don't think your example makes that point.

I think they're all separate spheres related in different ways for different people.

All I said is that women are more likely to have submissive personality traits within relationships and sex and those women are more likely to be attracted to men who have dominant personality traits. We've pretty much already agreed that's true, you just don't seem to like it.

I just agreed that many women enjoy being submissive in bed- and definitely do not believe this must carry over into other aspects of their romantic relationships.

This, it seems, is the big difference between RP and BP fundamentally speaking. RP just writes down what they believe to be true regardless of how politically incorrect it is to say it and they encourage others to accept things as they are. BP encourages people to believe in a just world fallacy where things are as they feel they should be, even when that clashes with reality.

I don't think it's reality. I think most women want driven, compassionate, sexy, funny, strong, caring men. I think most men want the same in women. I don't think we're so different.

A better concrete example of this can be found in business, where anyone who can manipulate and game others has a big advantage against those who either can't or aren't willing to do so. Is this manipulating sociopathic person nicer than the people he fucks over? Of course not. Does he have more money? Yep.

Weird analogy. Wouldn't most people prefer not to be manipulative sociopaths?

Only in your own value system. You cannot objectively define positive and negative so you are merely stating your own opinion. Personally I consider submission to be a very positive trait in a perspective partner. Many other men do as well. "Definition of good and evil: Good is what you like. Evil is what you don't like."

I'm not defining them as negative, they are by definition negative. That's exactly what I was attempting to make clear earlier. You don't get to say "___ (insulting trait for men) isn't insulting when it's said about women!" It doesn't work that way. It is insulting to be told that you are most attractive if you are 'unresistingly or humbly obedient' instead of showing any semblance of will or personality. A lack of something (confidence, decisiveness, drive) is only complimentary when the trait being qualified is negative. All those traits are positive.

Life ain't fair, the world isn't just. Society does not care about your feels and it never will. Not ever. You need to accept the world for what it is and learn to work with it.

No shit. Most people don't have to rely on revenge porn forums talking about how childlike, stupid, yet somehow still masterfully manipulative, and prone to infidelity women are to feel better about it. They don't need to pretend they'll magically become better looking with age while the mean women who turned them down in their early 20s will hit the hard wall of undesirability at age 30. It's not reality. It's a fantasy.

One must compliment the other. There can be no successful relationship if you are not sexually compatible and yes I do think your sexual desires reflect how you behave in a sexual relationship because a sexual relationship is by definition sexual.

It is separated from other relationships by the sexual/romantic component, sure. But how you behave during sex isn't a reflection of who you are as a person. There are tons of fascinating studies and theories about this. We touched on it earlier with the business exec example.

And ultimately, sex and relationships aside for a second, all human interaction is about power.

I can agree with that. But an exchange of power, a fluidity of power is what is necessary in romantic relationships. They will whither and die otherwise.

Yep. I also think that we do everyone a disservice by having such a Victorian attitude towards discussing sex and that leads to a lot of dead bedrooms because this kind of shit is never brought up properly before the relationship becomes serious. Obviously this will lead to a lot of affairs as well, the man seeing a dominatrix and the woman fucking some "alpha" type.

Agree about the dbr. I also think it sucks that men aren't allowed to be vulnerable, explore their bodies sexually, etc. But I feel like rp only furthers this line of thinking, no?

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