Donna Reid to sit on task force on 'unfounded' sexual assault cases

Fortunately, even reopening old cases that were put aside for lack of evidence will not MAGICALLY produce new evidence.

Fortunately, the rule of law will still apply and, even if they end up charging some men, chances are that they will be acquitted FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE and the only result will be that these men will never be charged again under the rule of "double jeopardy".

Of course, the poor bastards will have to spend money on their defense BUT... If I was one of those guys, after being acquitted, I would sue the pants off that "task force" by accusing them of behaving like a "witch hunt", of forcing trials despite holding little to no evidence resulting in severe abuse of their powers, negligence and psychological, emotional and financial harm.

One guy caught in that storm could potentially make a few hundred thousands if not a million.

And if the Judges get annoyed at the task force for bringing to trial cases without evidence, thus wasting the time of the Judges, one could imagine a judge awarding tens of millions in order to "pass a message".

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