Don't accept drinks from stranger on Halloween.

Taking quaaludes does not amount to consensual sex.

Ummm, please copy paste the portion of my reply which claims that this amounts to consensual sex.

Your statement is tone deaf and absolutely ridiculous.

Followed directly by

"Oh, you wanna smoke pot? Sure, he's a joint." CAN'T SAY I DIDN'T SEXUALLY ASSAULT YOU BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO SMOKE POT!

My ribs are in orbit. Strawman - google the term.

Holy fuck, if I want to drink until I'm blackout drunk and I asked you to purchase said alcohol, I am not giving consent to you have sex with me while shitfaced.

First of all, contextually this statement can be read in one of two ways. You can either be implying that by taking part in drinking with a person, you are not consenting. I never made a claim that this is consent.

The other implication is that you get drunk, and then actually -do- consent in the moment, and then after the fact this does not count as having given consent. Please explain to me in detail why you believe this to be true.

If you, in the moment, decide to drive an automobile drunk, can you not be held accountable because you weren't thinking clearly? What if the other party was more drunk than you were when you had sex? Could they have given consent? Were you both raping each other? What if you sexually initiated with them and -they- provided enthusiastic consent after your initiation and sex was had? You said you were blackout drunk, which would mean you don't remember the events clearly or at all.

Your argument is the one that is tone deaf. It assumes predatory behavior in every sexual encounter. It doesn't take into account that literally BILLIONS of humans have sex while intoxicated by various substances. It takes away agency from men and women who, by choice, engage in taking drugs (be they alchohol, cannabis, or any other drug) and having sex.

It's like in your world the only reason two adults could possibly be doing drugs together is because one of the parties is trying to rape the other. It isn't remotely possible that both parties had engaged in flirting, or touching, or even verbal discussion about consensual sex prior to ingesting said substances. It isn't remotely possible that two adults, while under the influence of a narcotics, can both agree to have sex with one another. Nope, with no further context or research into the matter, you are going to claim that Bill Cosby was exonerated by myself, and others including the judge he was speaking in front of because they both took the drugs knowingly. That isn't a ridiculous assumption at all.

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